Table 4

Descriptive statistics and analysis of child development at 36 months of age by treatment group, with an adjusted model for differences between group means (n=1017)

Developmental domainValues*
6 months
36 months
Unadjusted model
effect† (95% CI)
Adjusted model
effect †,‡ (95% CI)
 Daily IFA100.2 [11.4]96.3 [6.7]ReferenceReference
 Twice-weekly IFA102.1 [10.9]96.2 [4.8]−0.15 (−1.16 to 0.86)−0.19 (−1.20 to 0.82)
 Twice-weekly MMN100.9 [9.9]96.1 [5.5]−0.28 (−1.27 to 0.70)−0.26 (−1.24 to 0.72)
 Daily IFA94.0 [8.0]105.5 [9.2]ReferenceReference
 Twice-weekly IFA94.8 [8.2]104.2 [8.5]−1.38 (−3.36 to 0.59)−1.32 (−3.24 to 0.60)
 Twice-weekly MMN94.8 [7.7]104.5 [8.2]−1.04 (−2.76 to 0.68)0.98 (−2.68 to 0.71)
 Daily IFA112.3 [18.2]110.8 [11.9]ReferenceReference
 Twice-weekly IFA113.4 [18.9]109.5 [10.6]−1.33 (−3.56 to 0.90)−1.44 (−3.65 to 0.77)
 Twice-weekly MMN112.5 [18.4]108.9 [10.6]−2.06 (−4.16 to 0.04)−2.07§ (−4.11 to −0.03)
  • *Data are mean [SD] .

  • †Effect is difference in means .

  • ‡Adjusted for maternal age, parity, maternal education, maternal body mass index and clustering.

  • §p<0.05.

  • IFA, iron-folic acid; MMN, multiple micronutrient.