Table 2

Sociodemographic and economic indices in Portugal, 1995–2014

Net migration rate42 00032 300−14 200
Proportion of females in foreign population (%)41.844.849.8
Crude birth rate (per 1000 population)
Crude death rate (per 1000 population)10.610.410.2
Infant death rate (per 1000 live births)
GDP per capita (PPS millions, Euros)12 87217 51320 485
GDP growth rate (%)4.21.5−1.0
Government expenditure on health: budget execution per capita (Euro—ratio)*396.3714.6783.8
Government expenditure on health: budget execution as a % of GDP*
Unemployment rate (%; highest value in the period)
Total social security expenditure as % of GDP9.411.618.5
Total social security benefit (Euros, 1000s)8 002 079.013 468 539.020 487 826.3
% of total social security benefit for sickness/maternity6.95.14.1
Social security payment for sickness/maternity (1000s, Euros)549 839.9688 814.0830 629.9
% of total social benefit for family/children (%)
Social security payment on family/children (1000s, Euros)439 383.1640 032.3895 293.9
% of total social benefit for unemployment (%)8.610.110.5
Social security payment for unemployment (1000s, Euros)691 724.01 364 001.72 148 857.4
  • Figures presented describe the mean value for the period except for crude and infant deaths as well as unemployment where the highest values were depicted.

  • Sources: Statistics Portugal (INE) and Instituto de Gestão Financeira da Segurança Social (IGFSS).

  • *Only data for 1995–2013 were officially documented.

  • †Social benefits/social security payments are transfers to households, in cash or in kind, intended to relieve them from the financial burden of a number of risks or needs, including: (a) sickness; (b) invalidity, disability; (c) occupational accident or disease; (d) old age; (e) survivors; (f) maternity; (g) family; (h) promotion of employment; (i) unemployment; (j) housing (k) education; (l) general neediness.