BMJ Global Health is an Open Access, online journal from BMJ dedicated to publishing high-quality peer-reviewed content relevant to those involved in global health, including policy makers, funders, researchers, clinicians and frontline healthcare workers. To find out more about the journal’s vision, please read the introductory editorial from the journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Dr Seye Abimbola.


Latest Articles

  • A biosocial analysis of perinatal and late neonatal mortality among Indigenous Maya Kaqchikel communities in Tecpán, Guatemala: a mixed-methods study
  • Estimated health benefits, costs and cost-effectiveness of eliminating industrial trans-fatty acids in Nigeria: cost-effectiveness analysis
  • Shapeshifters: Global South scholars and their tensions in border-crossing to Global North journals
  • The rural surgeon: a practice to strive for
  • Missing in action: a scoping review of gender as the overlooked component in decolonial discourses