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access to health care A9 OP-13

access to health A12 OP-18

access to medicines A30 OP-42

access A11 OP-17, A32 OP-44

accountability A16 OP-22

AIDS A41 PP-06

availability A32 OP-44

awareness A19 OP-26

benefit incidence A3 OP-05

Bihar A37 OP-51

bottom-up planning A16 OP-23

capacity building A27 OP-38

cash transfer A4 OP-07

caste A34 OP-47

Chhattisgarh A3 OP-04, A11 OP-17, A12 OP-18, A22 OP-30, A32 OP-44, A39 PP-03, A41 PP-05

child health A35 OP-48

child mortality A38 PP-02

childbirth A3 OP-05

citizen engagement A13 OP-19

civil society A13 OP-19

climate change A7 OP-11

Clinical Establishment Act A39 PP-03

co-infection A41 PP-06

collaborative activities A41 PP-06

community health workers A15 OP-21

community participation A13 OP-19, A14 OP-20, A26 OP-36

community A27 OP-38, A28 OP-39, A35 OP-48

comparative analysis A21 OP-28

confidential enquiry A38 PP-02

context A14 OP-20

curriculum A36 OP-50

decentralisation A17 OP-24

Delhi A9 OP-13

deliveries A22 OP-31

determinants A11 OP-16, A35 OP-48

discrimination A18 OP-25

district health system A16 OP-23

economic class A34 OP-47

elderly A25 OP-35

entitlements A5 OP-08

equity A1 OP-01, A1 OP-02, A3 OP-05, A4 OP-06, A31 OP-43, A33 OP-46

essential medicines A32 OP-44

evidence-based A27 OP-37

evidence A25 OP-35, A27 OP-37

facility-based treatment A22 OP-30

family planning A38 PP-02

female health workers A8 OP-12

financial protection A11 OP-17

food security A4 OP-07, A5 OP-08, A6 OP-09

gender A34 OP-47, A36 OP-50

generic medicines A32 OP-44

growth monitoring A8 OP-12

Gujarat A19 OP-26

Haryana A23 OP-32

health care seeking behaviour A10 OP-14

health committees A14 OP-20, A26 OP-36

health equity A18 OP-25

health expenditure A21 OP-28

health policy and systems research A35 OP-49

health policy A27 OP-37

health research A33 OP-46

health system strengthening A29 OP-40

health A10 OP-14, A16 OP-22, A16 OP-23, A17 OP-24, A31 OP-43, A34 OP-47

hepatitis E A41 PP-05

HIV A41 PP-06

home-based treatment A22 OP-30

human resource for health A30 OP-41


IEC A19 OP-26

India A1 OP-01, A1 OP-02, A2 OP-03, A3 OP-04, A3 OP-05, A4 OP-06, A4 OP-07, A5 OP-08, A6 OP-09, A7 OP-10, A7 OP-11, A8 OP-12, A9 OP-13, A10 OP-14, A10 OP-15, A11 OP-16, A11 OP-17, A12 OP-18, A13 OP-19, A14 OP-20, A15 OP-21, A16 OP-22, A16 OP-23, A17 OP-24, A18 OP-25, A19 OP-26, A20 OP-27, A21 OP-28, A21 OP-29, A22 OP-30, A22 OP-31, A23 OP-32, A24 OP-33, A24 OP-34, A25 OP-35, A26 OP-36, A27 OP-37, A27 OP-38, A28 OP-39, A29 OP-40, A30 OP-41, A30 OP-42, A31 OP-43, A32 OP-44, A33 OP-46, A34 OP-47, A35 OP-48, A35 OP-49, A36 OP-50, A37 OP-51, A38 PP-01, A39 PP-03, A40 PP-04, A41 PP-05, A41 PP-06

inequalities A23 OP-32, A34 OP-47

inequality A33 OP-46

inequity A1 OP-01

insurance A20 OP-27

Integrated Child Development Services A6 OP-09

intersectionality A34 OP-47

intersector action A41 PP-05

Karnataka A1 OP-01, A1 OP-02, A20 OP-27, A21 OP-28, A22 OP-31

Kerala A17 OP-24, A21 OP-29


knowledge translation A28 OP-39

knowledge A19 OP-26

local government A17 OP-24

local health system A16 OP-23

Maharashtra A36 OP-50

malnutrition A7 OP-10, A7 OP-11

maternal health A1 OP-02, A2 OP-03, A3 OP-04, A3 OP-05, A24 OP-34

maternal mortality A1 OP-01, A38 PP-02

means testing A21 OP-29

media A27 OP-38

medical education A36 OP-50

migrant children A7 OP-11

migrant workers A10 OP-15

migrants A9 OP-13, A10 OP-15

Mitanin A15 OP-21

multi-drug resistant TB A22 OP-30

Nagaland A26 OP-36

National Health Mission A3 OP-05, A4 OP-06

National Urban Health Mission A11 OP-16, A12 OP-18

Northeast A9 OP-13

nurse mentoring A37 OP-51

nurses A37 OP-51

nutrition education A8 OP-12

nutrition policy A7 OP-10

nutrition A31 OP-43

obstetric competence A24 OP-34

obstetric fatality A1 OP-01

obstetric risk A24 OP-34

Odisha A10 OP-15, A24 OP-33, A31 OP-43

Orisha A2 OP-03, A18 OP-25

out-of-pocket expenditure A10 OP-14

out-of-pocket spending A4 OP-06

participatory action research A35 OP-48

participatory audit and planning A16 OP-22

Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups A5 OP-08

patients rights A39 PP-03

performance A22 OP-31

PHC A22 OP-31

photo voice A35 OP-48

policy A25 OP-35

posting A30 OP-41

power A27 OP-37

primary health centre A22 OP-31

private sector A20 OP-27

problem-based learning A24 OP-34

promotion and tenure A30 OP-41

public hospitals A21 OP-29

public-private partnerships A24 OP-33

Rajasthan A41 PP-06

reform A29 OP-40

reproductive health A10 OP-15

research capacity building A35 OP-49

research themes A35 OP-49

result-based financing A26 OP-36

Rogi Kalyan Samiti A16 OP-22

RSBY A18 OP-25, A19 OP-26

rural medical practitioners A40 PP-04

SAM A8 OP-12

school-age children A7 OP-10

severe acute malnutrition A8 OP-12

skills A37 OP-51

slums A12 OP-18

SNP A6 OP-09

social determinants A7 OP-10, A7 OP-11, A36 OP-50

social network analysis A40 PP-04

Sundarbans A27 OP-38, A28 OP-39, A40 PP-04

Supplementary Nutrition Programme A6 OP-09

Take Home Ration A6 OP-09

targeting A21 OP-29, A23 OP-32

TB control A15 OP-21

TB A15 OP-21, A41 PP-06

THR A6 OP-09

toilet use A38 PP-01

training A35 OP-49

transfer A30 OP-41

tribal health A2 OP-03, A3 OP-04, A24 OP-33


tuberculosis A15 OP-21

Uganda A38 PP-02

UHC A13 OP-19

unconditional cash transfer A4 OP-07

under-fives A10 OP-14

universal care A20 OP-27

universal coverage A11 OP-17

universal health coverage A13 OP-19, A23 OP-32

urban health A4 OP-07, A11 OP-16

urban poor A11 OP-17

urban slums A10 OP-14

WASH A31 OP-43

West Bengal A38 PP-01, A29 OP-40